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To Liz: September 2, 2006

Posted by queenofnothing in Uncategorized.

writer of Granny Gets a Vibrator:

Since I’m not listed as a team member and can’t post a comment on your site I’ll just put my response here:

It sounds to me like he wants to hear the words “You’re right.”  “You’re right, this is a better way to work the Sudoku”  “You’re right, we would have saved masses amount of time at the other hospital.”   So that when he says, “Liz, I love you and you’re going to be okay.”  You can say, “You’re right, we’re going to be okay and I love you, too”

His being right doesn’t make you being wrong. Sometimes, there are two correct answers.

What does one need to do to become a “team member?”


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